So, the Salem Fair opened on Thursday afternoon, and they were running an incredible special on rides for the opening day. We took advantage of the nice weather and headed there after putting in a long day working on the house.
Emily's first ride was the airplane ride. She was fine until it started going up and down- I think this ride was a little big for her, but she was a trooper!
Emily looks up at the sky as we ride the bucket ferris wheel together (Bay did NOT enjoy this ride, so I couldn't get a picture of her!)
Emily got ahead of Ken and Bay on the slide. She looked back to see where her Daddy was, realized she was ahead, and started laughingg!
Ken helped Emmy finish the ride. This was a family favorite!
Bethany's favorite ride overall? Riding on Daddy's shoulders :)
We realized a few things through this experience. First, we're not ready for Disney World. Bethany's just not old enough to enjoy it. Second, Emily is definitely not a baby anymore (this one makes me so sad!). Emily didn't think she should have to sit in the double stroller, so we tried out letting her walk with us. She stayed right with us the whole time. I looked at Ken in disbelief. What happened to our little baby that needed to be taken care of???? It's so funny how we can celebrate their new-found abilities while simultaneously missing the last stages. I guess that's just part of being a parent.