Thursday, September 4, 2008

Cupcake Time!

Emily has been begging to make cupcakes again ever since her birthday. Today was the day! I was so proud of our little chef. She very carefully followed my instructions and did everything except put in the eggs (that was my fault- I was too wary of the mess). Bethany wanted in on the action and helped, too! Then, after a little cooling time, it was frost and, as Emily calls it, EAT TIME!

Emily proudly shows off her hard work

Bethany loved watching the batter mix- she said, "Wook! Wook!"

Daddy watches as Bethany very carefully puts the papers in the pan

Emily frosts her own cupcake and licks her lips as she thinks of diving in!

Bethany shows her enthusiasm for Emily's baking skills


Emily nicely asks for another one after cleanly and carefully eating her cupcake

1 comment:

Mandy said...

How much fun! What cute cupcake girls...