Friday, March 22, 2013


Grahamism- (n) Something cute that Graham does that makes me giggle.

1.  When he's ready to take a bite, he shouts, "MMMmmmmmmmMMMMMMMmmmm".

2.  Graham can't stand to have anything on the tabletops.  If there's something there, he grabs it, carries it over to his pack 'n play, and tosses it in.

3.  Graham loves to talk on the phone.  He will hunt down the house phone, bring it to me, and start talking into it.

4.  He thinks every burp or fluffy is hilarious and laughs.  If you say, "Graham!" in a scolding manner, he throws his head back and guffaws.

5. If he hears applause on television, he claps along with it and says, "Aaaaayyy".  (His version of "yay")

6.  Graham loves Family Feud.  If he hears it on tv, he runs into the room, sits down, and watches it.

7.  If you see Graham doing something he's not supposed to be doing, and you say, "Graham, no!", he drops whatever he's doing and either crawls or runs away very quickly.  Then, he nonchalantly comes back into the room.

8.  This isn't a Grahamism, but a SMH- Graham head butts EVERYTHING.  I think he's part goat.  If he hits his head accidentally, he knocks his head into whatever he hit before, but this time on purpose.  It's as if he's telling the object that it won't get the best of him.  Hrmph.

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